Her stage name is JIHEE (지희). Her Birth name is Um Jihee (엄지희). She was born in 1998. Her age is around 23 years old as of 2021. She is Korean by Nationality. Her Zodiac sign is Capricorn.
Check out and follow JIHEE‘s Social Media accounts:
Facebook: 지희 JIHEE
Instagram: official_jihee
YouTube: 지희 JIHEE
Early Life:
She was born in South Korea.
Not much is known about her early life.
Physical Appearance:
She is young and beautiful. She has a slender figure. She is hugely popular among youth. She looks like a doll. She has Slim Build. Her looks make her look younger than her actual age. She has black eyes and Black hair. She has beautiful eyes that look very appealing and long silky hair.
Her height is around 5″4′ (170 cm)and her weight is around 59 kg (135 lbs). Her Blood group is “Not Known”.
Family, Religion & Boyfriends:
Not much is known about her family and her personal relationship.
- She has around 141+ followers on Instagram.
- She has around 70+ Subscribers on Youtube.
- She loves singing and music.
- She practices her vocals in her free time.
- She did so many albums covers.
- She released an Official Acoustic Version of the Single digital “Black Star” released in October 2020, and worked with the Musician “Jo Pyung-Jae”.
- She also did the work in “Golden -Hate Everything”.
She also did the live performance “Last Christmas” in the year 2020.
- She also did the work with “Rose” on the album cover named “Love You”.
- She did the album cover “How are You” in 2020.
- She is Fashion Enthuthisatic.
- She loves nature mostly Snow.
- She loves to help other people.
- You can also listen to her songs on SoundCloud, Spotify, and Apple Music.