His Stage name is DAMYE (담예). He was born on March 23/24, 1995. His age is around 26 years old as of 2021. He is Korean-American By Nationality. His Zodiac sign is Aries.
Check out and follow DAMYE’s Social Media accounts:
Instagram: damyesynn
Twitter: N/A
YouTube: 담예튜브
Early Life:
He was born in the USA and moved to South Korea in 2018.
He went to UC Berkeley and transferred to Berklee College of Music in Boston.
Not much is known about his early life.
Physical Appearance:
He is young, smart, and handsome. He is popular among youths. His looks make him look younger than his actual age. He has brown eyes and black hair.
His height is around 5’10” (178 cm) and his weight is around 65 kg (141 lbs). His Blood group is “Not Known”.
Family, Religion & Girlfriends:
Not much is known about his family and relationships.
- He has 1.8K+ followers in his official account.
- His Korean Name is Synn Hye Dam (씬혜담)
- He likes to play Bass, Guitar and Makes Beats.
- He Speaks English and Korean Language fluently.
- His Hobbies are Compose Music, Listening To Music, Watching Movies, and Reading Comics.
- He is also a Rapper and Producer.
- His Genres are Indie, Rap, Hip-Hop, R&B, Soul.
- He is Bad at Drawing.
- He gives the audition his own songs and played the guitar to “Berklee College Of Music”.
- He debuted the album “The Sandwich Artist” which is totally based on his personal experience.
- He taught the skills by own.
- His favorite food is “Pizza” and “Sandwiches” before working at Subway.
- He realized when he wanted to learn music more than it was just a hobby when he studied.
- His birth date in American passport is March 23rd and in Korean March 24th.
- His main aim is to be happy and enjoy the moment.
- His favorite dinosaur is Tyrannosaurus.
- He did production but not only for a year.
- His Stage Name comes to his name “Hye Dam” and after that everyone called him “Damye” for a long time, but he has no idea when it’s since.
- His Favorite things are Sleeping, Making Music, and Chilling with Friends.
- He hates the most “Waking up ” in the morning and Cucumbers.
- His favorite own Sing is “DUSSA”. This song is actually based on the real person when he met that person he was very tempting.
- His favorite Rapper in Korea is “Hwaji”.
- He has so many friends who are Non-Korean when he studied in “Boston” and met people with different backgrounds.
- He debuted the EP “N26” on April 21, 2019.
- He did part-time work at “SubWay” in 2019 and quit the work in November 2020.
- He wants to increase his fanbase and released an EP named “The Sandwich Artist” on August 30, 2020.
- He also did the Collaboration “Greatest Hits” with HooKuo in 2019.
- He did the work in the albums named “Life’s A Loop” in 2019 and “The Sandwich Artist” in 2020.
- He also did work in the reality show named “Show Me The Money 9” in the year 2020.
- He did so many digital Single albums named “Talented” and “Don’t Wanna Play” in 2018, “Lonely Boy” and “Hate The Things We” in 2019, “Snooze”, “I’M Not Your Son” and “Facetime” in 2020.
- His latest digital single album named “The Ballad” and “Snap Snap Snap” in 2021.
- He also wants to join the Army and enlist in 2021.
- He is also a member of the “Dejavu Group Band” also called “FlatShop” which debuted on May 27, 2021.
- He wants to become a Singer was to be a Paleontologist.
- His favorite artists in Korea are “Hwaji”, “Samuel Seo”, and “Beenzino”.
- His Skill is making things Out of Clay.
- He loved to meet one day his favorite artist “Anderson Paak”.
- He has not any official name before his debut he used the nickname “Damye”.
- He is always interested to sing songs and playing the guitar because he writes most of his songs.
- When he was a kid he liked to collect information about Dinosaurs like their Names, Heights, Weights, and so on.
- He did not like to eat Cucumber and Tomatoes alone. he liked these only in Kimbap and Hamburgers.
- His Inspiration is an Artist “Samuel Seo” who is the closest one.
- He loves to watch the matches “Basketball” but he is not a fan of any team. He is a big fan of “Chris Paul”.
- He has all the names of the guitars.
- He Slept for the longest sleep for 20 Hours.
- He was also nominated for the “Rookie Artist Of The Year Award”.
- He sometimes Clicks Selfies.
- You can also listen to his songs on Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Youtube, and Radios.