Yes My Love, also known as YML, is a Filipino boy group. The group consists of 6 members: Niko, Joshua, Eli, Brian, RZ, and Jeff. They made their debut on 17 March 2023 with the single ‘Rhythm‘. They are under Cornerstone Entertainment.
Their fandom name is 143 (I Love You) and their fandom color is Red.
Check out and follow Yes My Love’s official accounts:
Instagram: @officialyesmylove
Twitter: @143yesmylove
Facebook: @officialyesmylove
Yes My Love Members
His Stage name is Niko. His birth name is Larry Mark Badayos. He was born on 19 October 1997. His age is around 26 years old as of 2023. He is Filipino By Nationality. His Zodiac sign is Libra.
He is the Leader, Main Dancer, and Vocalist of the group.
Early Life:
He was born in Bacolod, Negros Occidental, Philippines.
Physical Appearance:
His height is around 5’8” (172 cm) and his weight is around 62 kg (132 lbs). His Blood group is “not known”.
- He participated in the show Sing Galing.
- He wants his music to be friendly and enjoyable.
- He is also an actor.
His Stage name is Joshua. His birth name is Joshua Michael Ligan Adornado. He was born on 27 December 1994. His age is around 28 years old as of 2022. He is Filipino By Nationality. His Zodiac sign is Capricorn.
He is the Main Vocalist of the group.
Early Life:
He was born in Las Piñas, Philippines.
Physical Appearance:
His height is around 5’11” (182 cm) and his weight is around 63 kg (135 lbs). His Blood group is “not known”.
- He is very passionate about music.
- He can speak Tagalog, Visayan, and English.
- He participated in the show The Clash in 2018.
His Stage name is Eli. His age is around 21 years old as of 2022. He is Filipino By Nationality.
He is the Visual and Vocalist of the group.
Early Life:
He was born in the Philippines.
Physical Appearance:
His height is around 5’8” (171 cm) and his weight is around 62 kg (132 lbs). His Blood group is “not known”.
- He participated in one of the Singtokers of TV5’s Sing Galing.
- He decided on the name of the group.
- He understands the importance of hard work and talent.
His Stage name is Brian. His birth name is Brian Zamora. He was born on 5 January 2001. His age is around 22 years old as of 2022. He is Filipino by Nationality. His Zodiac sign is Capricorn.
He is the Lead Vocalist of the group.
Early Life:
He was born in Makati City, Philippines.
Physical Appearance:
His height is around 5’7” (170 cm) and his weight is around 61 kg (130 lbs). His Blood group is “not known”.
- He participated in the show Top Class.
- He got eliminated in episode 4.
- He is very fashionable since 6th grade.
His Stage name is RZ. His birth name is Romeo Pelayo Condor Jr. III. He was born on 2 January 2005. His age is around 18 years old as of 2022. He is Filipino By Nationality. His Zodiac sign is Capricorn.
He is the Main Rapper and Lead Dancer of the group.
Early Life:
He was born in Nailon, Cebu City, Philippines.
Physical Appearance:
His height is around 5’7” (170 cm) and his weight is around 61 kg (132 lbs). His Blood group is “not known”.
- He participated in the show Top Class.
- He got eliminated in the final episode.
- He is a big fan of K-pop.
His Stage name is Jeff. His birth name is Jose Jeffrey Cabrera Jr. He was born on 21 July 1998. His age is around 25 years old as of 2022. He is Filipino by Nationality. His Zodiac sign is Cancer.
He is the Lead Vocalist of the group.
Early Life:
He was born in Toledo, Cebu City, Philippines.
Physical Appearance:
His height is around 5’7” (170 cm) and his weight is around 63 kg (133 lbs). His Blood group is “not known”.
- He makes melodies that speak for themselves.
- He participated in the show Top Class.
- He was selected in the debut group but he left.