Fukuzawa Misumi is a Japanese idol girl group named WONFAS!. The group consists of 5 members: Kohinata Mai, Hashimoto Tomoka, Okahashi Sakina, Sana Uika, and Fukuzawa Misumi. The concept of a theme park that both adults and children can enjoy. They made their stage debut on September 20, 2021. They formed under Collet Promotion Inc.
Her stage name is Fukuzawa Misumi (福澤みすみ). She was born on November 24, 2000. Her age is 21 years old as of 2021. She is Japanese By Nationality. Her Zodiac sign is Sagittarius.
Her position in the group is not known.
Check out and follow Fukuzawa Misumi’s Social Media accounts:
Instagram: 福澤みすみ (@fukuzawa_misumi)
Twitter: 福澤みすみ (@misumi_wonfas)
YouTube: N/A
TikTok: みすちゃん (@fukuzawa_misumi)
Facebook: N/A
Early Life:
She was born in Ishikawa, Japan.
Not much is known about her early life.
Physical Appearance:
She is Young, beautiful, and hot. She has a slender figure. She is hugely popular among youth. She looks like a doll. She has Slim Build. Her looks make her look younger than her actual age. She has black eyes and brown hair. She has beautiful eyes that look very appealing and long silky hair.
Her height is around 5’1” (156 cm) and her weight is around 45 kg (99 lbs). Her blood group is not known.
Family, Religion & Boyfriends:
Not much is known about her family and her personal relationship.
- She has 800+ followers on Instagram.
- She loves to hang out with friends.
- She is makeup enthusiastic.
- She is fond of clicking selfies.
- She likes doing nail art.
- Due to being diagnosed with a vocal cord cyst, it was announced that she would go on hiatus from live events on December 12, 2021.
- She loves to socialize and befriend people.
- She likes taking mirror selfies.
- She sees the picture of Kinpachi Sensi and she is looking at him.
- She is the mood maker of the group.
- She loves to eat sushi and fresh cream.
- She is foody.
- She has a bright personality and smiles a lot.
- She enjoys talking to people.
Music Video:
Check out and follow the Group_Name’s official accounts:
Instagram: N/A
Twitter: わんふぁす! (@WONFAS_official)
YouTube: わんふぁす!
Website: わんふぁす!