RINNE is a Japanese girl group. The group consists of 4 members: Kamui, Mina, Salt and Suimu. They made their debut with the single “恋する乙女の恋の必勝法” on January 15, 2021.
Check out and follow the RINNE’s official accounts:
Instagram: N/A
Twitter: りンね【公式】 (@rinne__1230)
YouTube: りンね | RINNE
RINNE Members Profile
Her stage name is Kamui (ネ申/神威). She was born on August 21, 2001. Her age is 20 years old as of 2021. She is Japanese By Nationality. Her Zodiac sign is Leo.
She is the Leader of the Group.
Early Life:
She was born in Japan.
Physical Appearance:
Her height is around 4’8” (147 cm) and her weight is not known. Her blood group is “B”.
- She hates walking.
- Her favourite food is white bean dip and red peppers.
- Her hobby is sleeping.
Her stage name is Mina (みいな). She was born on February 18, 2006. Her age is 15 years old as of 2021. She is Japanese By Nationality. Her Zodiac sign is Aquarius.
Her position in the group is not known.
Early Life:
She was born in Japan.
Physical Appearance:
Her height is around 4’10” (147 cm) and her weight is around 36 kg (81 lbs). Her blood group is not known.
- She loves to hang out with friends.
- Her official colour is Pink.
- She is makeup enthusiastic.
Her stage name is Salt (ソルト). Her age is around 16 years old as of 2021. She is Japanese By Nationality. Her Zodiac sign is not known.
Her position in the group is not known.
Early Life:
She was born in Japan.
Physical Appearance:
Her height is around 4’9” (145 cm) and her weight is around 34 kg (77 lbs). Her blood group is not known.
- She loves to participate in any karaoke parties at any possible time.
- She speaks Japanese.
- Her official colour is Purple.
Her stage name is Suimu (睡夢). Her age is around 15 years old as of 2021. She is Japanese By Nationality. Her Zodiac sign is not known.
Her position in the group is not known.
Early Life:
She was born in Japan.
Physical Appearance:
Her height is around 5’3” (161 cm) and her weight is around 47 kg (104 lbs). Her blood group is “AB”.
- Her dream is to travel all over the world.
- She loves to wear change lipstick according to their mood.
- Her official colour is Blue.